Assemblies and supplies
- We perform the assembly of investment units in the form of a piece, final or general supply
- We carry out reconstructions of boiler rooms for all types of fuels
- Routine repairs and reconstruction of boilers
- Greening (ecologization) of coal boilers
- We perform assembly, repairs and reconstruction of gas distribution systems, steam, hot water and other media from the steel materials class 11 - 17 or plastics
- We perform assembly, repair and reconstruction of boiler room accessories, for example.: water management, water treatment, gas/steam control stations, mixing stations, heat exchangers, economizers, air heaters, water heaters, etc.
- We also install cogeneration units, gas emitters(radiators) and hot-air heating
- We carry out professional inspections of boilers
- We provide a consulting service in the solution of reconstructions and the construction of new boiler rooms
- We provide the technical expertise in the field of boilers operation, pressure vessel and industrial power engineering
- Revision of gas, boilers, pressure vessels and electrical
- We provide training of operators, boiler attendants, knowledge control and compliance with the regulations of the operating regulations.